No one motivates how to learn and what to learn.
Just we have to motivate ourselves to learn.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Classical Vedic Texts

Classical Vedic Texts
1. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (the "bible" of Vedic astrology)
   written by Sage Parashara (father of Veda Vyaasa, the compiler of Mahabharata) 
2. Phaladeepika (the second most important "bible" in Vedic astrology)
   written by Mantreswara was a 16th-century Hindu astrologer 
3. Uttara Kalamrita 
   written by Kalidasa
4. Saravali (two volumes)
   written by Kalyana Varma, belonged to the 10th century 
5. Bhrigu Sutram and
6. Bhrigu Samhita
   Both written by Maharishi Bhrigu was one of the seven great sages, the Saptarshis, 

   in  ancient India, 
6. Brihat Jataka 
    written by Varahamihira, an Indian astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer 

    who    lived in Ujjain.He is considered to be one of the nine jewels (Navaratnas) 
    of the court of legendary ruler Vikramaditya (thought to be the Gupta emperor  
    Chandragupta II Vikramaditya) Period 505 - 587 
7. Sri Sarwathachintamani (two volumes)
    written by Acharya Venkatesa in the 13th century.
8. Jataka Parijata (3 Vol) 
   written by Acharya Venkatesa in the 13th century.
9. Kalaprakasika 
   The standard book on the election (mahoortha) system : with original text in  

    Devanagari   and English translation
    by N.P. Subramania Iyer. 

10. குமாரசுவாமீயம்
11. புலிப்பாணி ஜோதிடம்
12. கேரள மணிகண்ட ஜோதிடம்



Sanyasa yoga in Hindu astrology are the peculiar planetary situations or combinations seen in certain horoscopes that indicate Sanyasa i.e. renunciation of worldly material life by persons born with those yogas. Sanyasa yogas are also known as Pravrajya yogas.Pravrajya, in sanskrit,  is derived from the bali word 'Pabbajja' which means leaving a home (renunciate) to live and be like buddhist monks.

Traits of a Sanyasi  that gives a pravrajya-yoga:
  • A sanyasi ought to be learned and someone with a sound logic, deeply philosophical and someone with clear and uncluttered thinking.
  • Not necessarily deeply religious, but someone seeking truth
  • Detached from family, society and worldly pleasures 

Astrological combination for Pravrajya yoga or Sanyasa yoga,Planetary combinations to become a Sanyasi,sanyasa yoga in kundali,sanyasa yoga vedic astrology four planets,sanyasa yoga in horoscope,sanyasa yoga vedic astrology,sanyasa yoga astrology,pravrajya yoga vedic astrology,pravrajya yoga astrology,renunciation yoga, astrological combination for renunciation,Effect of more exalted planets in a horoscope, Pravrajya yoga causes divorce,effect of 4 planets in a rasi,

Saturn is the major significator of renunciation.Detachment is caused by malefic influence of Sun, Rahu, Saturn and 12th house lord. Such an influence is required on 2nd (family) and 7th house (spouse). Influence on 2nd is much more important as an influence on 7th alone will cause separation from spouse, thus resulting in a divorce.Separating influence is required on 4th house (society) and 12th house (worldly pleasures). These influence are a must from the Moon as well – especially the influence of Saturn on the Moon is required should be analyzed very carefully. 

  Major Factor For Renunciation
When there are  4 or more planets (higher strength)  occupy a single house, the planets compete each other and thus vanishes their significance and just because of this the native gives up the wordly pleasures and becomes a Sanyasi or behaves like a Sanyasi.

Similarly, in a horoscope if there are 4 or more planets which are exalted or in own house possessing high strength, in that case also the result will be same.The nature of the sanyas is governed by the strongest of these set of planets. Such a combination should ideally occur in a kendra to affect the Lagna, otherwise it will not be effective. The native will be bereft of spouse and children.Even if the native marry, it will not be a long lasting relationship.And in certain cases, the native may possess spouse and children, endowed with wealth  but he will be enforced to lead a sanyasi like life with or without knowing the outside wold.

  1. If the Sun be the strongest planet the person of high morals and intallectual prowess will choose severe and difficult practices in remote places .
  2. If it be the Moon, then in seclusion more in the study of scriptures.
  3. If it be Mercury, one who is easily influenced by philosophy of others
  4. If it be Mars, one who chooses to wear red-coloured clothes and who struggles to control his temper
  5. If it be Jupiter, one who has complete control over his senses and sense - organs
  6. If it be Venus, a wandering mendicant.
  7. If the strongest planet be Saturn it makes one adopt exceedingly severe practices. 
The are some other combinations that cause pravrajya-yoga

  1. If ascendant,Jupiter and Moon is aspected by Saturn and Jupiter occupies 9th house and if the native possess a Rajayoga , he will become a sanyasi and spends his life  visiting  shrines and other holy places.The native can't enjoy the Rajayoga just like Sree Budha.
  2. If Saturn occupies 9th house and  is not aspected by any planet,
  3. When lord of 10th house is in kendra or trikona to the house occupied by 4 or more planets
  4. Saturn aspect a weak ascendant indicates sanyas –yoga
  5. Saturn posited in 10th house from ascendant / Moon and related to Sun by association / aspect / quadrant relationship, indicates sanyas- yoga. 
  6. Moon in 9th house without having aspect of any planet, indicates sanyas.
  7. Moon sign is aspected by the lord of ascendant and Saturn.
  8. Ascendant is aspected by many planets being placed in a same sign.
  9. Lord of 10th house combined with 4 planets in quadrant / trine.
  10. Lord of 9th is strong and being placed in 5th or 9th house and aspected / associated with
    Jupiter and Venus, indicates a great sanyasi.
  11. Saturn is posited in 10th in Pisces sign, indication of detachment from the world.
  12. Saturn and lord of ascendant aspect Moon sign indicate renunciation.
  13. If Saturn is placed in 5th/9th or aspects these houses, and any four or more planets
    are in a house and one of these planets is the lord of the 10th house, is the sure
    combination for sanyas.

To be effectively able to judge if a person can take sanyas and become an ascetic, lets try to define the traits that we associate with a sanyasi. Before we begin, I would like to encourage everyone to watch a movie called OMG: Oh My God! It is a great movie.
Traits of a sanyasi that gives apravrajya-yoga:
  • A sanyasi ought to be learned and someone with a sound logic, deeply philosophical and someone with clear and uncluttered thinking.
  • Not necessarily deeply religious, but someone seeking truth
  • Detached from family, society and worldly pleasures
  • Ability to work hard and have immense discipline.
The combinations that cause these traits to appear in a person are:
  • Negative Traits to cause detachment
    • Detachment is caused by malefic influence of Sun, Rahu, Saturn and 12th house lord in a kundali.
    • In a kundali, such an influence is required on 2nd (family) and 7th house (spouse). Influence on 2nd is much more important as an influence on 7th alone will cause separation from spouse, thus resulting in a divorce.
    • Separating influence is required on 4th house (society) and 12th house (worldly pleasures) and on Venus.
    • These influence are a must from the Moon as well – especially the influence of Saturn on the Moon is required should be analyzed very carefully.
  • Positive Influence in the horoscope to create higher intellect and provide wisdom
    • Pravrajya yoga is defined by 4 or more strong planets in one house in a kundali, without being combust or debilitated. The nature of the sanyas is governed by the strongest of these set of planets. Such a combination should ideally occur in a kendra to affect the Lagna, otherwise it will not be effective.
    • Jupiter will need to be involved to bring in the philosophical influence on the mind. Jupiter should by itself be a benefic planet in the kundali otherwise instead of a sanyasi, we will see a salesman or marketer, likes of who we see in the OMG movie.
    • Saturn indicates discipline and ability to work hard.
    • Venus is a planet that indicates luxuries in the horoscope. This has to be controlled and channelized in the kundali. One does not become a sanyasi by curbing ones desire. Happiness is obtained in the process and hence has a lasting influence.
    • Ketu is moksha karaka in a horoscope and especially acts that way if the location is in 12th house. Its combination with Venus, especially in 12th house is important. It could also be in 8th house as it is a house of hidden studies, occult and deep meaning of life. Essentially we should look at Saturn and Ketu affecting Venus in one of these two houses.
Both influences are required in a horoscope. If there is just the positive influence, then we see a family man, a grihastha who is a wise learned man. If there are just negative influences in the kundali, then it would be an unfortunate situation for the person and would not guide him/her to higher learning.
If any of the planets are combust, then the person has an inkling and tendency to take sanyasa, but does not really walk on the path. Even if sanyasa is attained, the person is likely come out of it.
According to Brihat-jatakam, if there is a rajayoga also existing in the chart, along with Jupiter in trines, then the chart is of a maharshi and rajarshi. Such a person, who, while have taken a sanyasa, will have a lot of followers and he will be considered a great sage. If this combination of raja-yoga does not exist, then the person will be a simple ascetic.

A Reading List in Vedic Astrology

A Reading List in Vedic Astrology

by Hank Friedman

I spent several hours going through my entire Vedic library for the best books in my collection. Here they are. I hope that my research serves you well.

[Note: about 90% of the Vedic astrology books that I've purchased -- and I've purchased a lot of Vedic books! -- have been either rehashes of Classical works with no new insights, or poor translations, or simply the speculations of authors who haven't mastered Vedic astrology. That is, in part, what inspired me to provide the following reading list. I don't want you to waste your time or money, which is easy to do because so many Vedic books are just not worth getting.]

Important Update: I have just expanded this Vedic Astrology booklist and created a page on Amazon that both describes each book and allows you to easily order any of them. You can view this new listing by clicking here to see what books shaped my understanding of astrology, and even get copies for yourself.
Note: You can download formatted copies of both modern and Classical Vedic texts for free here. [Just scroll down to the section entitled: Astrology (Jyotish) in Hinduism]

Modern Books

Light on Life (Not only the best Vedic astrology book in English, but a huge number of insights and gems for Western astrologers too.)

by Hart de Fouw and Robert Svoboda

Path of Light vol. 1 & 2 (Truly excellent new books by a brilliant and generous astrologer who shares his great depth of understanding of Jyotish. Highly Recommended!)

by James Kelleher

New Techniques of Prediction 1 & 2 (For advanced Vedic astrologers only, the brilliant predictive methods and understandings of a great Jyotish master)

by H.R. Seshadri Iyer

Learn Astrology The Easy Way (For beginning to intermediate students of Vedic astrology, this provides a very good education in Vedic astrology.)

by Dr. G.S. Kapoor

A Thousand Suns an excellent new Vedic book that covers a huge range of Vedic topics in a very accessible and easy-to-read conversational style. Highly Recommended!

by Linda Johnsen

Astro Sutras
Events and Nativities
and Art of Predictions 
(excellent books by the late excellent astrologer Bhasin)

by JN Bhasin

How to Read a Bhava (a very small book that condenses divisional chart analysis quite well)

by Dr. T. S. Vasan

Varshphal or Annual Horoscope (an excellent book on Vedic Solar Returns)

by Sumeet Chugh

Predictive Astrology - An Insight (a comprehensive & excellent analysis of planets in houses)

by Dinesh S. Mathur

Practical Vedic Astrology (a fine compendium of 25 years of the authors notes, well organized)

by G. S. Agarwal

How to Read Your Horoscope (newly reprinted – excellent modern interpretations of lordships , planets in signs and houses, etc.)

By James E. Higgins III and Tom Hopke

Vault of the Heavens (a lovely and comprehensive textbook on Vedic astrology, complete with modern interpretations of the lordships for each Lagna, and more.)

Core Yogas (a unique, descriptive, and comprehensive analysis of yogas)

both by Ernst Wilhelm

Navamsa in Astrology (extensive examination of the navamsa and classical approaches to it.)

by Chandulal S. Patel

A Course in Indian Astrology (101 lessons in astrology by knowledgeable Jyotishis)

by Prof. N.E. Muthuswamy and Prof. K.P. Dharmaraja Iyer

Dr. K.S. Charak has many books, including a two volume Elements of Vedic AstrologyVarshaphal (which Hart endorses), and my favorite of his Yogas in Astrology

Astrology and Jyotirvidya (a very intelligent and well-thought out book on many facets of Jyotish, including Nakshatras, Dasas, Prognosis, and much more.)

by Viswanath Deva Sarma

Mansions of the Moon (a wonderful book on Nakshatra myths, meanings, etc.)

by Kenneth Johnson

Predictive Astrology of the Hindus (extensive and excellent)

by Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha

The Astrology of the Seers (a very good book, but it mixes a little Western astrology in)

by David Frawley

The Lunar Nodes (some very good insights in this one)

by Komilla Sutton

also her Essentials of Vedic Astrology and her Indian Astrology coffee table book have merit.

Ganesha Hora Shastram (An incredibly deep exploration of each house, its occupants, and lord.)

by S. Ganesh

Nakshatras (The first Western book on Nakshatras, the product of a great deal of research.)

by Dennis Harness

Classical Vedic Texts

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (the "bible" of Vedic astrology)

Translated by R. Santhanam

Phaladeepika (the second most important "bible" in Vedic astrology)

Translated by S. S. Sareen

(Do NOT get the translation by Kapoor, it's riddled with errors)

Uttara Kalamrita (an excellent book showing themes of each house in depth)

Translated by S. S. Sareen or by Dr. P.S. Sastri

Saravali (two volume classic focuses on planets in houses, decanates, etc.)

Translated by R. Santhanam

Bhrigu Sutram (a look at each planet in each house, with reference to 4 Vedic classics)

Translated by G. S. Kapoor

Brihat Jataka (one volume with extensive and interesting notes by the translator) and Sri Sarwathachintamani(two volume set with extensive, useful commentary of this major Vedic classic)

both translated by B. Suryanarain Rao

Jataka Parijata (3 Vol) (/w Original Slokas in Sanskrit and English Trans. My Vedic teacher, Hart often quotes this important work that is used as the textbook in Vedic studies in India )

by Subramanyam Shastri

Kalaprakasika (I haven't seen this one, but it's recommended by Hart)

translated by N.P. Subramaria Iyer

Wednesday 10 September 2014

vedic observations

common vedic observations
  • Lagnesh neechabhanga - High prosperity with self efforts.
  • Dasha of constellation of lord of lagna gives rise in career
  • Lagnesh in Upachaya makes lagna strong, if no shakta yoga
  • 2nd Lord in 12th with other planets, one earns a lot of wealth
  • 2nd lord in 12th does not cause poverty unless aspected by a malefic.
  • Sun in the 4th makes one heartless and highly selfish
  • 4th lord exalted and benefics in 4th gives long life to the mother
  • 4th lord strong or benefics in or aspecting 4th house or 4th lord in angle or trine, means one is bestowed with worldly possession
  • 5th lord in hastha constellation gives difficulty in getting progeny
  • Lagna lord in 6th gives freedom from disease as also victory over enemies
  • All benefics in 6th 8th and 12th house give rise to rajayoga
  • Rahu in the 6th or 12th to moon gives wealth, power and landed property.
  • Rahu/Ketu in 6/12 axis, then in the dasa of one and bukti of another, one will remain a patient of nervous disease.
  • Ketu in 2nd to Saturn does give a boost in spiritual achievement.
  • Moon in the constellation of Ketu gives rise to gandamoola dosha.
  • Malefic Jupiter in the lagna or 6th house causes liver disease
  • 5th lord with a trik lord causes causes liver cirrhosis.
  • Moon and Rahu in conjunction or aspected by Saturn causes mental disease or insanity.
  • If lord of the 8th is in the navamsha of cancer or Capricorn death due to insanity.
1. A Capricorn native with Sun in Aries, does not enjoy much maternal happiness but a greater longevity.  He is prone to heart diseases.
2. Moon in Capricorn makes one susceptible to cold.
3. Saturn in aries for a female leo ascendant causes early widowhood.
4. Saturn in Taurus for a virgo ascendant wil enable the individual to earn fortunes with his own effort.
5. Saturn in Taurus for a Capricorn ascendant causes childlessness if afflicted. He will enjoy abundant wealth and gain.
Asthavarga is mainly used to understand impact of transiting planets over various houses in charts...
Each planet and ascendent have bindus in all houses upto max 8... eg - mars has contributed 7 bindus in 5th house, which means when mars is transiting 5th house in ur chart - it will be favourable time for you, offcourse with respect to mars and 5th house characteristics and mars PAC in main chart. So each planets will have their own asthavarga... in above example its called as ashtavarga of mars

2nd part is
Sarvashtak Varga.... Now there are hundreds of points which are mentioned for this, again in a nutshell.....

These are bindus given in total in each house. Obviously this shows which house is stronger in your chart and so on and so forth, research more.... i believe you may find the minimum required bindus in each house and then you can compare it with your own. 

Quick one - if there are more bindus in 11th house then in 10th house, then native will work less but gain more... and vive versa if opposite happnes..

Its a huge topic and i suggest you put a chart across and maybe someone can let u know..... 

to sum it up - asthavarga is used for transit studies and strength of (planets Vs houses).

Tuesday 2 September 2014


ueen Victoria was something of a royal supermum in that she produced so many offspring. She had nine children with her husband, Prince Albert before he died in 1861.Queen Victoria
History records that she was deeply in love with the Saxe-Coburg Gotha Prince and I think this is reflected in her affectionately drawn watercolour of him. I think it’s reasonable to assume that her passion for Albert was also reflected in the number of children they had and how quickly they all came along, during their marriage!
Victoria and Albert met when they were seventeen, and they married, (after Victoria proposed to Albert) at 20, in February 1840. Their first child, Princess Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise, arrived in November of that same year. Edward Albert, who succeeded Queen Victoria, upon her death in 1901, was born the following year in 1841, followed by a further seven siblings, four sisters and three brothers born between 1843 and 1857.
Because she had so many children who married into the royal families of Europe, Victoria is sometimes callePrince Albertd the “Grandmother of Europe”.
But what fascinated me most was her status as a mother, rather than a grandmother. Her birth details have been carefully recorded – she was born on 24th May 1819 in London, UK at 4.15 a.m. so am able to look at the kind of astrology that was contacting Victoria’s chart when each of her nine children were conceived.
I checked out the astrology for the years during which her children were conceived to see if the links that I had found in my research that were associated with successfully conception and birth were present for these nine children.
When I worked with Victoria’s birth chart for the recorded birth time of 4.15 a.m. it puzzled me that there appeared to be no appropriate astrological contact to her birth chart during the year she married Albert and had her first child. In my experience as a consultant astrologer for over 25 years, for such a momentous year in her life, this seemed wrong. So I adjusted the time a little to 4.11 a.m. and then found that one of the time sensitive angles in her chart (her Ascendant also known as the rising degree), was then contacted by Venus during 1839 and 1840 and this would clearly show that she would be married during 1940 and a child would very likely quickly follow.
This very small adjustment to her recorded birth made no noticeable difference to the other contacts present in her life for the birth time of 4 15 a.m.
Queen Victoria and FamilyI wanted to find out what sort of astrology was contacting Victoria’s chart during the years when she conceived her nine children. My research has shown that Venus and Jupiter are very important factors to have contacting your astrological birth chart during years when you hope to successfully conceive a child so I wondered if this would be true for Victoria.
I found that, in Victoria’s case, five out her nine children were conceived under Venus contacts and two of them were conceived under Jupiter contacts. One of them was conceived under both Venus and Jupiter contacts. So, seven of the nine children had the Venus and Jupiter contacts that my scientifically based research with nearly seventy fertility treatment women, and over fifty women who conceived normally, shows are strongly associated with conception resulting in the birth of a baby. Of her two remaining children, one had a moon contact present at time of conception (also supported by my research findings) and the last one had a Mars contact which is traditionally believed to be associated with the birth of children – but I have not yet researched this particular contact so cannot confirm or deny its possible link.
A film has recently been produced about the young Victoria and her relationship with her prince consort, Albert.
The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, was fascinated by Victoria and wrote a book about her: Travels with Queen Victoria, published in 1995 and so was involved in the role of producer with the development of the film “The Young Victoria ” (directed by Martin Scorsese, 2009).
Eureka, again!
Sarah, born 15 Oct 1959, London, UK 9 03 a.m. has two daughters, Princess Beatrice born in 1988 and Princess Eugenie born in 1990, and I wondered if she, too, would have the astrological factors present during the years of their conception, that my research had shown would lead to the birth of a baby. Moon contacts that my research shows are strongly associated with successful conception and birth were present when these children were conceived.
Pat Harris, 25th March 2009.
Information on chart data taken from
Lois M Rodden’s Profiles of Women:Astro-Data I
Information on Victoria and her family taken from:

Effects of Karakamsa

Effects of Karakamsa

1. O Brahmin, as laid down by Lord Brahma, I now tell you about the effects of Karakamsa identical with Aries etc..


If Atmakaraka be in Aries Navamsa, there will be nuisance from rats and cats at all times.
A malefic joining will further increase the nuisance. 

Should Atmakaraka be in Taurus Navamsa, happiness from quadrupeds will result. 

Should he be in Gemini Navamsa, the native will be afflicted by itch etc.

If he be in Cancer Navamsa, there will be fear from water etc..

 If he be in Leo Navamsa, fear will be from tiger etc.. 

If he be in Virgo Navamsa, itch, corpulence, fire etc. will cause trouble; 

while in Libra Navamsa, the Atmakaraka will make one a trader and skillful in making robes 

Scorpio Navamsa holding the said planet will bring troubles from snakes etc., and also affliction to mother's breasts. 

There will be falls from height and conveyances etc. if it is Sagittarius Navamsa that is occupied by Atmakaraka. 

Capricorn Navamsa in this respect denotes gains from water-dwelling beings and conch, pearl, coral, etc..

 If it is Aquarius Navamsa holding the said planet, the native will construct tanks etc. 

And in Pisces Navamsa the Atmakaraka will grant final emancipation. A benefics aspect will remove evils while that of a malefic will cause no good.

9-11. O Brahmin, if there be only benefics in the Karakamsa and the Navamsa of Lagna and be aspected by benefics, the native will undoubtedly become a king. Should the angles/trines from the Karakmsa be occupied by benefics devoid of malefic association, the native will be endowed with wealth and learning. The combination of benefic and malefic will in this context yield mixed results. It the Upakheta (or upagraha, vide sloka 5 ch. 32) is in its exaltation sign, or own/friendly sign, and is devoid of malefic aspect, the native will go to heavens after death.

12. If the Atmakaraka is in the divisions of the Moon, Mars, or Venus, the native will go to others' wives. Otherwise, the contrary will prevail.


if the Sun is in the Karakamsa, the native will be engaged in royal assignments. 

If the Full Moon is there, he will enjoy pleasures and be a scholar; more so if Venus aspects. 

If strong Mars is in Karakamsa, he will use the weapon spear, will live through fire, and be an alchemist. 

Should strong Mercury be in Karakamsa, he will be skillful in arts and trading, be intelligent, and educated. 

Jupiter in Karakamsa denotes one doing good acts, endowed with spiritualsim, and Vedic learning. One will be endowed with a longevity of 100 years, be sensuous and will look after state affairs if Venus is in Karakamsa. 

Saturn in Karakamsa will give such livelihood as due to the native's family. 

Rahu in Karakamsa denotes a thief, a bowman, a machinery maker, and a doctor treating poisonous afflictions. 

If Ketu be in Karakamsa, one will deal in elephants and be a thief.

Should Rahu and the Sun be in Karakamsa there will be fear from snakes; if a benefic aspects the said combination there will be no fear but a malefic aspects will bring death (through serpents). If Rahu and the Sun occupy benefic Shadvargas, being in Karakamsa, one will be a doctor treating p[poisonous afflictions while the aspect from Mars on the said combination denotes that the native will burn either his own house or that of others. Mercury's aspect, instead of that of Mars, will not cause the said effects. If Rahu and the Sun be in Karakamsa and be in a malefic's sign in aspect to Jupiter, one will burn neighboring house while the aspect of Venus will not cause such an event.

Should the Full Moon aspect the Karakamsa-placed Gulika, the native will lose his wealth to thieves or will himself be a thief. If Gulika is in Karakamsa but is unaspected by others, one will administer poison to others or will himself die of poisoning. Mercury's aspect in this context will give large testicles.

If Ketu is in Karakamsa in aspect to a malefic, one's ears will be severed or he will suffer from diseases of ears. Venus aspecting denotes one initiated into religious orders. One will be devoid of strength if Mercury and Saturn aspect. If Mercury and Venus aspect, he will be the son of a female slave or of a female remarried. With Saturn's aspect one will perform penance or be a servant or will be a psuedo-ascetic. Venus and the Sun together aspecting will make one serve the king. Thus, O Brahmin, are told briefly the effects of Karakamsa.

If the 2nd from Karakamsa falls in the divisions of Venus/Mars, one will be addicted to others' wives and if Venus or mars aspect the said 2nd, the tendency will last to death. 

If Ketu is the 2nd from Karakamsa in a division of Venus/Mars, such addiction will not prevail while the position of Jupiter will cause such an evil. Rahu in the said case will destroy wealth.

A malefic in the 3rd from Karakmsa will make one valorous while a benefic will make one timid.

If the 4th from Karakamsa be occupied by Venus and the Moon, one will own palacial (or large) buildings. Similar is the effect of an exalted planet in the said 4th. A house made of stones is denoted by the occupation of Rahu and Saturn. Mars and Ketu indicate a house made of bricks while Jupiter denotes one made of wood. The Sun so related will give a house of grass. If the Moon be in the 4th from Karakamsa, one will have union with his wife in an uncompounded house.

If Rahu and Mars are in the 5th from Karakamsa, one will suffer from a pulmonary consumption, more so if the Moon aspects them. The aspect of Mars on the said house will bring boils or ulcers. Ketu's aspect on the said house will cause dysentery or said diseases caused by (impure) water. If Rahu and Gulika be in the house there will be fear from mean people and poison. Should Mercury be in the said house, the native will be an ascetic of the highest order or one holding staff. The Sun and Mars in the said house respectively denote one using a knife and spear. Saturn denotes a bowman in this context. Rahu and Ketu in the said house respectively denote a machinist and a watch maker. Venus in the said house will make one a poet and an eloquent speaker.

If Jupiter and the Moon are in Karakamsa or the 5th thereof, the native will be an author.
Venus in the said place will make one an ordinary writer while Mercury will give still lesser effects in this respect. Should Jupiter be alone in the said house, one will be a knower of everything, be a writer, and be versed in Vedas and Vedanta philosophy, but not an oratorian or a grammarian. Mars in this respect denotes a logician, Mercury a Mimamsaka (follower of Mimamsa philosophy, one of the six systems of Hindu philosophy), Saturn one dull-witted in the assembly, the Sun a musician, the Moon a follower of Sankhya philosophy (of sage Kapila enumerating 25 true principles with emphasis on final bliss), and versed in rhetorics and singing, and Ketu and Rahu an astrologer. Should Jupiter be related to the said positions (caused by others than him), the effected stated will effectively come to pass. Some say that the 2nd from Karakamsa be also similarly disposed.

If the 6th from Karakamsa is occupied by a malefic, the native will be an agriculturist while he will be indolent if a benefic is there. The 3rd from Karakamsa be also similarly considered.

If the Moon and Jupiter are in the 7th from Karakamsa, the native will beget a very beautiful wife. Venus in the said house denotes a sensuous wife while Mercury indicates a wife versed in arts. The Sun so related will give a wife confining domestic core while Saturn denotes a wife of a higher age bracket, or a pious/sick wife. Rahu in this context will bring a widow in marriage.

If a benefic or the planet owning the 8th from Krakamsa be in the 8th from Karakamsa, the native will be long-lived while a malefic so placed will reduce the life span.
Aspect/conjunction of both benefics and malefics will yield a medium span of life.

If the (9th from Karakamsa is aspected or occupied by a a benefic, the native will be truthful, devoted to elders, and attached to his own religion. If a malefic is so related as above, one will be attached to his religion in boyhood but will take to falsehood in old age.
If Saturn and Rahu are so related as above, one will betray his elders and be averse to ancient learning. If Jupiter and the Sun are so related as above, one will betray his elders and will be disobedient to them. Should Mars and Venus be so related as above, and joining in six identical vargas, a female illrelated to the native will die. Mercury and the Moon so related will cause imprisonment of the native due to association with a female not of his own. If Jupiter is alone related to the 9th from Karakamsa by aspect or by conjunction, the native will be addicted to females and be devoted to sensual enjoyments.

If the 10th from Karakamsa be aspected or conjoined by a benefic, the native will have firm riches, be sagacious, strong, and intelligent. A malefic so related will cause harm to his profession and deprive him of paternal bliss. Mercury and Venus so related will confer many gains in business (or profession) and will make him do many great deeds. The luminaries so related to the 10th from Karakamsa and if be in aspect to or conjunction with Jupiter the native will acquire a kingdom.

If the 11th from Karakamsa be aspected by or conjunct a benefic, the native will enjoy happiness from coborn apart from gaining in every undertaking of his. If a malefic is in the said 11th, the native will gain by questionable means, be famous, and valorous.

If the 12th from Karakamsa has a benefic, the expenses will be on good account while a malefic will cause bad expenses. If the said 12th be vacant then also good effects (in respect of expenses) will follow. If there be a benefic planet in exaltation or in own house in the 12th from Karakamsa or if Ketu is so placed and aspected by or conjunct a benefic one will attain heavens after death. One will attain final emancipation if Ketu is in the 12th (from Karakamsa) identical with Aries/Sagittarius and is aspected by a benefic.

 If Ketu is in the 12th from Karakamsa and be with aspect/conjunction of a malefic one will not attain final emancipation. 

If the Sun and Ketu are in the said 12th the native will worship Lord Shiva.

The Moon and Ketu in the said 12th denotes a worshipper of Gauri (a consort of Lord Siva). 

Venus and Ketu in the said 12th denotes a worshipper of Lakshmi (a consort of Lord Vishnu) and a wealthy person. 

Mars and Ketu in the said 12th denotes a worshipper of Lord Subramanya (an offspring of Lord Siva). 

Rahu in the 12th from Karakamsa will make one worship Durga or some mean diety.

 Ketu alone in the said 12th house denotes Subramanya's or Ganesa's worshipper.

 If Saturn is in the said 12th in a malefic's sign one will worship mean deities. 

Venus and Saturn in the said 12th in a malefic's sign will also make one worship mean deities. 

Similar inferences can be drawn from the 6th Navamsa counted from Amatya Karaka's Navamsa.

75-76. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS (up to sloka 84):
O Brahmin, if there are two malefics in a trine from Karakamsa, the native will have knowledge of Mantras (sacred spells) and Tantras (mystical fomularies for the worship of deities for attainment of super-human powers). If a malefic simultaneously aspects the said yoga, the native will use these learnings for malevolent purposes while a benefic's aspect will make him use the same for public good.

77-84 1/2. If the Moon is in the Karakamsa in aspect to Venus, the native will be an alchemist and if be in aspect to Mercury he will be a doctor capable of curing all diseases.

If the moon is in the a 4th form Karakamsa and be in aspect to Venus, the native be afflicted by while leprosy; if in aspect to Mars blood and bilious disorders, and if to Ketu black leprosy. 

Should Rahu and Mars be in the 4th or 5th from Karakamsa the native will suffer form pulmonary consumption and if there be Moons's aspect simultaneously this affliction will be certain. 

Mars alone in the 4th/5th from Karakamsa will cause ulcers.

 If Ketu be in the 4th or 5th from Karakamsa one will suffer from dysentery and afflictions due to (impure) water. 

Rahu and Gulika in the 4th /5th from Karakamsa will make one a doctor curing poisonous afflcitions or will cause troubles through poison. 

Should Saturn be alone in the 4th or 5th from Karakamsa, the native will be skillful in archery.

Ketu lonely placed in the 4th/5th from Karakamsa will make one a maker of watches etc.. 

Mercury so placed will make one an ascetic of the highest order or an ascetic holding staff. 

Rahu, Sun, and Mars respectively in these places denote a machinist, a knife user, and a spear/arrow user.

85-86. The Moon and Jupiter in the Karakamsa or the 5th therefrom denotes a writer well-versed in all branches of learning. The grade of writership will comparatively descend in the case of Venus and further in the case of Mercury if so placed as above.

Should Venus be in the 5th from Karakamsa, the native will be a poet, be eloquent, and be a poet. Jupiter replacing denotes that he will be an exponent and be all-knowing but be unable to speak in an assembly. He will be further a grammarian and a scholar in Vedas and Upanishads. 

Saturn in this context will make one ineffective in an assembly, while Mercury will make him a skillful in Mimamsa (one of the six chief Darsanas). 

Mars in Karakamsa or the 5th therefrom will make one Justice while the Moon denotes a Sankhya Yogi, a rhetor or a singer. 

The Sun in the said 5th will make one learned in Vedanta and music.

Ketu in the said 5th will make one a mathematician and skillful in astrology. 

Should Jupiter be related to the said Ketu, these learnings will be by inheritance. 

All these as well apply to the 2nd/3rd from Karakamsa and to the Karakamsa itself apart from applying to the 5th from Karakamsa.

93-93 1/2. Should Ketu be in the 2nd/3rd from Karakamsa, the native will be defective in speech, more so if a malefic aspects Ketu as above.

94-99. If malefics be in the Karakamsa, Arudha Lagna and the 2nd and 8th from these places, there will be Kemadruma yoga; the effects of which will be still severer if the Moon's aspect be there. The effects due for these yogas will come to pass in the Dasa periods of the Rasis or planets concerned. Kemadruma Yoga will operate additionally if there are malefics in the 2nd and 8th from the Rasi whose Dasa will be in currency. The results of such yoga will also be inauspicious. If the 2nd and 8th in the chart cast for the beginning of a Dasa have malefics, then also Kemadruma prevails throughout the Dasa.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Category   493


Friday 22 August 2014


கிரகங்கள் எப்படி  வேலை செய்யும் என்றால் காரகத்துவம் , சொந்த பாவங்கள் மற்றும் அவை ராசிக்கட்டத்தில் அமைந்த பாவம்.

ஒரு கிரகம் மிகக் கடுமையை காட்டும் போது தனது காரங்களில் ஒன்றை முழுமையாக மறுத்துவிடும் பிறகு அக்கிரகம் தொடர்புடைய பிற விஷயங்களில் பாதிப்பை தராது.

ஒரு கிரகம் மிக பெரிய நன்மையை செய்ய வேண்டிய சூழலில் அதன் காரகங்களில் ஒன்றை கைவிட்ட பின்னரே அளப்பரிய அந்த நன்மையை செய்யும்.

ஒரு கிரகம் தோஷபட்டு நன்மை செய்யவேண்டிய நிலைக்கு தள்ளபட்டால் அது அதன் காரகத்துவங்களில் எதாவது ஒன்றை கைவிட்டு அதன் மற்ற காரகதுவங்களில் நன்மை செய்யும்.

ஒரு கிரகம் அதன் பாவமும் வலுவடையும் போது அதன் சாரத்தில் இருக்கும் கிரகமும் வலிமையடையும்.

தனது பாவத்தில் உள்ள கிரகத்தை கட்டுப்படுத்தும் உரிமை பாவாதிபதி கிரகத்திற்கு உண்டு ., பாவத்தில் உள்ள கிரகம் பாவாதிபதி கிரகத்திற்கு நட்பனால் பாவ கிரகத்தின் உத்தரவை ஏற்று செயல்படும் , பகையானால் உத்தரவை நிராகரிக்கும்.

எப்படி தனது பாவத்திலிருக்கும் கிரகத்தை கட்டுப்படுத்தும் தகுதி ஒரு பாவாதிபதி கிரகத்திற்கு உண்டோ , அதேபோல ஒரு பாவாத்தில் அமைந்தகிரகத்திற்கு அந்த பாவதிபதி கிரகத்தை கட்டுப்படுத்தும் தகுதி உண்டு.

இவ்விருவிதிகளுமே அவ்விருகிரகங்களின்  வலு மற்றும் உறவின் நட்பு, பகை, சமம்,என்ற‌ அடிபடையில்ல் அமையும்.

ராகு--சூழ்ச்சி, பித்தலாட்டம் , மறைமுகமாக  இயக்குதல் , விதவை கள்ளகடத்தல், தாதா, இஸ்லாமியம். 

கேது-- சந்நியாசி

முரட்டுத்தனமான கோவக்காரன் mars
முட்டாள்தனமான பிடிவாதகாரன் saturn